In the MENA region, abundant solar radiation goes hand in hand with the difficulties of operating in desert areas: sand abrasion, heat and high cost of specialized on-site service make it challenging to adopt PV trackers for solar farms, even if solar trackers can increase energy production by more than 20%.
Soltigua’s iTracker tackles all these challenges by combining several innovative features to make the extra yield of sun trackers available also to solar plants in desert areas:
- Mechanical components are tested for an equivalent 55+ years lifetime in harsh desert conditions including 50% of time under heavy sand storms;
- Linear actuators have IP 66 resistance against dust and humidity;
- Soltigua’s solar tracker can resist ambient temperatures up to 50°C and above;
- Easy and faster cleaning is made possible by iTracker’s continuous tables and by the possibility to make contiguous rows face each other and to use robot-based cleaning;
- Remote control of the plant gives you the full benefit of Soltigua’s expertise available on site 24/7.
“iTracker unlocks the potential of solar plants in the desert – says Vittorio Orioli, Soltigua’s Chief Technical Officer – where land is available and blessed with solar radiation.
Soltigua’s innovative solar tracking system can provide a hassle-free increase of 20%+ of the annual production of solar farms in desert areas.